Tom Taylor
Book V
Looped, strung, spring & tool, you
might remove this clot of terms.
name, air of these signs, decorous
and pool the day, hear no words,
then, and lie asleep & done. Foam.
Loop arise this turn return, eye
of & charged-in, filled in and
roomed; a picture, cleaned, claimed.
Yellow has the day, air of: climb.
push to gain, or clear the sheds to
loom arrive spun at thirst & claw,
or spilled out, filled over ascribe,
to reef the clean pairs, skipped
at foam & term, the girl reefs.
She sleeps again, up there, snowed
out, her hands willing, perhaps,
and greased up, recalled by duty
and death, perhaps, awaited,
to clear these rhymes & picture acts
as verbs named by choice, the Rope
will beat you off or down, and
in, then, where we wrestle out.
Chanced, rolled & taken out
to lunch and split across,
bread and butter & butter-in
the line & said, spoke, or
how it works, then, on your
knees and greased, cleaned,
to force or lead: You might
regain your favor & hear
a voice permit, to lead or
rope this road away to
score & term, oozed removed.
Well, we slide through a
term of knowing, words are
thrown about. I'll get you
down, I said, and rise to
sing these signs. Loafed,
noodle to air and reamed
at the heart's turn & split,
there, opened aswim stirs
to fold it back, covered, a
room a light another, &
light's game is also love.
Loop along this room returns to
see asleep begun then sprung
to life & seen again the same
way said or spoke, anew or
moved then, term & song, to
reef and climb these airs
as flight the spin of, song
of life's beginning, the same
way said, then, behold or ship
the moon is new, too, and full,
now, at the edge of time's pool,
reamed in to acts & messages
of green scores: Song or term
this moon belongs again to
some specific openings of light,
seeded into life, or cooled on
to these colors of speech, clue,
mark, spool of roofed play.
nets & skins, the words of love,
and your own holes, opened
by some single sun, outburst of
life's name, love's angle, in.
Loop & spin & in the clarity of
acts, another sign regains, &
turned out, alone, then, where the
pieces fell-to & slipped, they are
These presences of time's light, hand
along the way and in upon her
names, among some dreams and
sent, begun to spur & sharp the
edge: Scooped, benign, formal &
resigned, score deep & fallow, a
roof designed or split, love's touch
sinks, we are made to fly, then,
a designation of mood & shape,
I'll open you, looped, to foal
some rhyme, nor obstinate and
new cravings, inhabit the air
so slide a tune or time, there,
and wait await some loss
Is nothing new, the simplicity of
the age is partial, both bowls
broken, you might return & stay,
love's willing heart, cleansed.
Termed new, her face might be
long or wide, stalked, rolled over.
and slung sadly, side to sun, a
song or pool, there, sung to
some random generals, pooled out
from single forms begun astir.
Slip awake & do. Your head is
also full, knocked-out and met,
the eyes are, and pooled up, or
spun. Another room and careful.
but fold out and see, song &
sign, at ease to play it through,
song, line, ear the day, loop
to curl, love's angular dens
-ity, at air & wedge to heart,
love's rush & shore, but
hold, a day away & climbed
out or line, a cool foam
persists and fills her body,
floats the time to sending.
You are, I see, and open
to some hearing, word-word.
Term of, life of, full & trim,
or pooled toward light, from
some point at center & song,
to rise arise as food this eye
of seen things resounded outer
from some distance at the verge,
toward life's new friend, or name,
uttered at this darkness to
loom arrive and stay the same
and moods are made alive by
strength. Powered-out to sea-
set & rock-pound, leaf &
tune, the air holds throughout
revolved, vocabulary& time,
roped, at, force & term, the way
obtrudes, becomes, pulse & term,
the uneven vision of these roofs.
you are, this new becoming of
roots & peals. Grown out at last
to some lasting in of air
& time, return, these loops
resolve & close, again, stop.
Give, then, these energies their
play at hand, to send them
on their way, you would tell
her, then, what to do and
when, these ways unite us at
our glands, to permit some
seeing, trance & dance, that we
are also new and termed
to pleasure's knowing, and out
of darkness moved to hold
this time between her eyes
a spot, and driven down,
then, terminal of hot senses
rised throughout to spend
yr time & hold away these
rooms of doubt : time's own
lungs are stretched to green
distances, her hands are
also wet & colored by the
way : fold, fresh, an open
door, and wide, legs apart
and handy, shown, blown aside.
Remind of pleasure, passage to due
occasion of respect, the sight, bent
from loose belongs as peeled warps
to wedge in and hang the rest,
or fools are easy duties and the
way of pleasure toucht, self to
self, her charges laid behind, on
her knees before you, seen
like a penetrated pear and
roofed around by yelling, at
these simple domains of words
cast into the queen's own
body, she might return into
the ropes we have tied for
her belonging, kinked to tough
resolutions, a contract of
fantasies made from this elec
-tricity of the body's heart
and song, or pushed & strung,
out and outer, but inside, a
tube is seeded, light to light,
the earth, foaled, charged, now.
And turns returns this air
of red and yellow traveled
horse and rider, at your feet
this mood pretends the rose
is pieced and strewn between
her eyes, a spot and term
of begun days outshorn by
some review of airs and
tempos throughout between along
the day is also termed away
ahold, again. Below among
& shorn up, bestrid, swarm
of nouns these powers from
without are also new re-
gained again throughout besides
and heaved around, then,
at these airs stung to name
or moved, and alone, of course,
along, the way and met, a
course is made, then set, to
hold her blue distances away
and termed, thought, also, to.
Another call does not arrive the dream
into settling forth, but claims this
business of doubt & time, where only
these cycles permit vision & review
into their calm patterns. Milk this
stem; crawl woodenly through-
out these airs removed & term a
line throughout, hair and tone, a
greased slot to spur & turn, in-
side out the side way to begin,
or cool your palms to rub this
pole & drink my sap. Opened,
your ear subsides to heat and
foam, the stalk of corn is
ready, and our new ceremonies
of the body are dreamed
out to say, now, and come
fast, bounce your legs a
parting of your lips to fold
them back handily and slip
it in, wooden and strong, a
light seed, your fresh tubes.
Seen, slipped along your groove
a light touch surprised, then driven
in behind, atimes, recall: come, then,
between your sighs, into this
light, and hold the time away, a
simple term, that these styles of
release are storage : another power
fills the pools and claims the bed.
or are you that simple? Named
as far away these routines are
practiced, display and form, my
face between your legs. Loop.
Plant me in, and write another
letter, carry your own horn deep,
and give my eye your pleasure,
but name this voice either, me
or you, it makes no difference, to
play this loom without hair, shorn,
your cheeks are simpler than
you think, opened by some friend,
rodded out, peeled back. A mask
subsides to making, and made, worn.
Book V
Looped, strung, spring & tool, you
might remove this clot of terms.
name, air of these signs, decorous
and pool the day, hear no words,
then, and lie asleep & done. Foam.
Loop arise this turn return, eye
of & charged-in, filled in and
roomed; a picture, cleaned, claimed.
Yellow has the day, air of: climb.
push to gain, or clear the sheds to
loom arrive spun at thirst & claw,
or spilled out, filled over ascribe,
to reef the clean pairs, skipped
at foam & term, the girl reefs.
She sleeps again, up there, snowed
out, her hands willing, perhaps,
and greased up, recalled by duty
and death, perhaps, awaited,
to clear these rhymes & picture acts
as verbs named by choice, the Rope
will beat you off or down, and
in, then, where we wrestle out.
Chanced, rolled & taken out
to lunch and split across,
bread and butter & butter-in
the line & said, spoke, or
how it works, then, on your
knees and greased, cleaned,
to force or lead: You might
regain your favor & hear
a voice permit, to lead or
rope this road away to
score & term, oozed removed.
Well, we slide through a
term of knowing, words are
thrown about. I'll get you
down, I said, and rise to
sing these signs. Loafed,
noodle to air and reamed
at the heart's turn & split,
there, opened aswim stirs
to fold it back, covered, a
room a light another, &
light's game is also love.
Loop along this room returns to
see asleep begun then sprung
to life & seen again the same
way said or spoke, anew or
moved then, term & song, to
reef and climb these airs
as flight the spin of, song
of life's beginning, the same
way said, then, behold or ship
the moon is new, too, and full,
now, at the edge of time's pool,
reamed in to acts & messages
of green scores: Song or term
this moon belongs again to
some specific openings of light,
seeded into life, or cooled on
to these colors of speech, clue,
mark, spool of roofed play.
nets & skins, the words of love,
and your own holes, opened
by some single sun, outburst of
life's name, love's angle, in.
Loop & spin & in the clarity of
acts, another sign regains, &
turned out, alone, then, where the
pieces fell-to & slipped, they are
These presences of time's light, hand
along the way and in upon her
names, among some dreams and
sent, begun to spur & sharp the
edge: Scooped, benign, formal &
resigned, score deep & fallow, a
roof designed or split, love's touch
sinks, we are made to fly, then,
a designation of mood & shape,
I'll open you, looped, to foal
some rhyme, nor obstinate and
new cravings, inhabit the air
so slide a tune or time, there,
and wait await some loss
Is nothing new, the simplicity of
the age is partial, both bowls
broken, you might return & stay,
love's willing heart, cleansed.
Termed new, her face might be
long or wide, stalked, rolled over.
and slung sadly, side to sun, a
song or pool, there, sung to
some random generals, pooled out
from single forms begun astir.
Slip awake & do. Your head is
also full, knocked-out and met,
the eyes are, and pooled up, or
spun. Another room and careful.
but fold out and see, song &
sign, at ease to play it through,
song, line, ear the day, loop
to curl, love's angular dens
-ity, at air & wedge to heart,
love's rush & shore, but
hold, a day away & climbed
out or line, a cool foam
persists and fills her body,
floats the time to sending.
You are, I see, and open
to some hearing, word-word.
Term of, life of, full & trim,
or pooled toward light, from
some point at center & song,
to rise arise as food this eye
of seen things resounded outer
from some distance at the verge,
toward life's new friend, or name,
uttered at this darkness to
loom arrive and stay the same
and moods are made alive by
strength. Powered-out to sea-
set & rock-pound, leaf &
tune, the air holds throughout
revolved, vocabulary& time,
roped, at, force & term, the way
obtrudes, becomes, pulse & term,
the uneven vision of these roofs.
you are, this new becoming of
roots & peals. Grown out at last
to some lasting in of air
& time, return, these loops
resolve & close, again, stop.
Give, then, these energies their
play at hand, to send them
on their way, you would tell
her, then, what to do and
when, these ways unite us at
our glands, to permit some
seeing, trance & dance, that we
are also new and termed
to pleasure's knowing, and out
of darkness moved to hold
this time between her eyes
a spot, and driven down,
then, terminal of hot senses
rised throughout to spend
yr time & hold away these
rooms of doubt : time's own
lungs are stretched to green
distances, her hands are
also wet & colored by the
way : fold, fresh, an open
door, and wide, legs apart
and handy, shown, blown aside.
Remind of pleasure, passage to due
occasion of respect, the sight, bent
from loose belongs as peeled warps
to wedge in and hang the rest,
or fools are easy duties and the
way of pleasure toucht, self to
self, her charges laid behind, on
her knees before you, seen
like a penetrated pear and
roofed around by yelling, at
these simple domains of words
cast into the queen's own
body, she might return into
the ropes we have tied for
her belonging, kinked to tough
resolutions, a contract of
fantasies made from this elec
-tricity of the body's heart
and song, or pushed & strung,
out and outer, but inside, a
tube is seeded, light to light,
the earth, foaled, charged, now.
And turns returns this air
of red and yellow traveled
horse and rider, at your feet
this mood pretends the rose
is pieced and strewn between
her eyes, a spot and term
of begun days outshorn by
some review of airs and
tempos throughout between along
the day is also termed away
ahold, again. Below among
& shorn up, bestrid, swarm
of nouns these powers from
without are also new re-
gained again throughout besides
and heaved around, then,
at these airs stung to name
or moved, and alone, of course,
along, the way and met, a
course is made, then set, to
hold her blue distances away
and termed, thought, also, to.
Another call does not arrive the dream
into settling forth, but claims this
business of doubt & time, where only
these cycles permit vision & review
into their calm patterns. Milk this
stem; crawl woodenly through-
out these airs removed & term a
line throughout, hair and tone, a
greased slot to spur & turn, in-
side out the side way to begin,
or cool your palms to rub this
pole & drink my sap. Opened,
your ear subsides to heat and
foam, the stalk of corn is
ready, and our new ceremonies
of the body are dreamed
out to say, now, and come
fast, bounce your legs a
parting of your lips to fold
them back handily and slip
it in, wooden and strong, a
light seed, your fresh tubes.
Seen, slipped along your groove
a light touch surprised, then driven
in behind, atimes, recall: come, then,
between your sighs, into this
light, and hold the time away, a
simple term, that these styles of
release are storage : another power
fills the pools and claims the bed.
or are you that simple? Named
as far away these routines are
practiced, display and form, my
face between your legs. Loop.
Plant me in, and write another
letter, carry your own horn deep,
and give my eye your pleasure,
but name this voice either, me
or you, it makes no difference, to
play this loom without hair, shorn,
your cheeks are simpler than
you think, opened by some friend,
rodded out, peeled back. A mask
subsides to making, and made, worn.
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