Friday, May 12, 2006

John M. Bennett

John M. Bennett
In English
Con una Traducción al Español por el Autor
Prologues by
Jon Cone
Ivan Argüelles
Illustrations by Larry Shineman
still I slat beside you persistent’s
beauty in the face of pages torn
and my unclouded headache like a storm
…y todavía me he
tablillado a tu lado / la belleza de lo persis
tente en la cara de las / páginas rasgadas y mi
jaqueca sin nubes / como una tormenta
from A NON
“There isn’t any way to approach Bennett, if what you expect from a poem is conditioned by all those gurgling Norton Antologies of the last two thousand years. …what does Bennett mean and just where precisely should he be placed in the book shelf in my study?  Well, the question is unanswerable…  We therefore suggest an insistent ignorance. and simply point to such monumental poems as Bennett’s Huff: Here Bennett attacks “the thumbed blank pages”, then proceeds to “the asshole’s spigot” dragging behind the “muttered damp luggage” of language.  Thus we see art before creation, arising out of the void…”  - Jon Cone

“It has been poet Bennett’s task to explore with a maddening sense of detail and obsessive recurrence this aspect of the human condition, its puzzling exasperating and irritating swarm of imagery simmering just below the brain’s conscious ‘ego’, stammering buttends with the unconscious Id’s Dionysian forays into song and debauchery.” - Ivan Argüelles
183 pgs., perfectbound, $12 US postpaid
ISBN 1892280469
Cash, Money Order, or Check to:
137 Leland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214 USA