Thursday, May 11, 2006

John M. Bennett

B ruma
yr gak scoundrel loghorn mattered limits
c rashing in the sink pencil lingered nod an
bog  .s cram melt ,sod it off an grab yr
toe bleed ,a bruma multecina fondly klutzy
ripe a gnash yr wrist a borbocue  .s pam
s perm ,lod e ntrada a la c racker ,ape yr s hoe

C aw
con taminación y sa bor e me choking sod den
lun ch ingote ,f laco s melt the lake rot the
r ush to ajuiciamento justamente b lob intake
,yr caw hush p late an dribble d moon wards
hammy like my yr tuna shirt  .a plun ge a
.mocker stance ,step into the shower ,piss yr sh orts

Plac e
shit the locks dammer soaper spud dip
lo mantic clumb bake ,yr slop crud yr
s pace’s g rimmer th reads the w ill soap
.p lace of creeping ,bog strummer ,gag
rejects yr s pinning heap ,was flat the stent
the b reach smouldered ?c hopper s lapper

D ope
dun g fog ,b link s matter ,c rash the
t able to de tect the sobster choking in
,bac k c hoking rent yr f lavor g rind ah
m eat and laundry dope  .b urn the rugs
,land it all ,s potty growth an digging
.the ink a cross yr face spread ,bloody b utter