Wednesday, May 03, 2006

John M. Bennett

L adder
lock speed ,dry peel spender ,ape yr hole c
lick seep ,pry sammich from my glands’ whis
tled glistens ache the tape f lapping in the lake
,haw an crawl ,dung ladder ,shake the speeders
tomb c loud ran dom e mission t raced yr
sink s lump hopping cor n an g leam ,yr stitch

Dim mer
I was mob bed an mutt ered ,meat an middled
,mort ared in the shallow ,c rust k notted ,lies
a dim mer which .pee l my sub con traction
,shoot ‘em all  .sp rung my trous ers an diply
too ,a cage drummer tunneled with the ra
t god smirking on the steps  .just fry it ,st inking

F lacker
junk h and g limmer f lack heap danced slock
test d rubbing s treet lint ,the cow ch fog
t railing pas t yr r ear an lug gage  .d
roop a g rip ,mort or f lacker s avored p
lea in haled an doubled like a s tart ar
souse yr pants .rubber r eaching ,ran dom s lobbing

M oco
c reep an dead d ice an p hone mou se an
nos tril flailing at the screens dug out the
w all neck .the bird lin t ,din t of ,cho
king at the rice tu moco .llama lleva ,in
clandescente ,moping ,rugged ,layered with a year a
year a y ear .breathing thicked with grease

F ault
s lab fun nel an s peak shurt an g rip ten
t re lapsed an pro  ,“regressive” den t in sid
e yr skrull foot .heap yr s hort fall yr
b one seal c rushing sal lad in yr hat .why
hushing when the sleave rents why s leap a
gainst the roar the p lunging h am the hal f h alt

So up
sunk bent ,the caw log ,pil e of dam p an
dog an dip an d ope an doo r p lunging g
rammer in the leg soup ah dipper heel  !pay
me one an nip ple asant top of sing u
lair yr index shaking ,loomer dong ,c rash
ed lock et mouche :b rag the dawn’s c hunk mist

Pill owed
dip n d ink n dol t n d ap d ate my u
ser be ad my sh apeless t raining at the s
tool .gauged my for k mist bed ,tail ed
the corn lake pillowed in my eye the th
ought breeze gus hing e gressed the cor e
dog .so I gustled ,taped my tongue against yr cheek

F older
johnny sp read ,spap moult ,c lang seddled
troup rope uh rot uh rote uh nap kin .tub
shitter  )“merdre”(  folder clapped an d wrenched
yr caul an teef :fed flot flabbed so
s pored you clabbered musty st ring .uh he
ave .uh nape .uh gasping at the toil et

Bac k
luck tube uh he tap pa t c hops eh
c loner fil e p lodded ring riñones yap
pak so hah “Why” soup er shallow  ?temp
id f laking uh d eep s lowing b ack your
.log gush ,pock sent ,c hub nest yr fin ger
main bloods an meets an mutes an merts

Sh adow
the lung cat c lock ,dipper throat ,yr pen
cil boom misted taint yr flogger sand is
olated in the c half c limbed dust trenza
s poiled yr needle sog dance .fee t the
focus d renched ,bit e ntrada ef fluent chose
yr long caw dappled in the surf an shad ow