Friday, March 24, 2006

John M. Bennett

S treak

stup an c lap a gust pas t cha mping c lods
uh eep chew s porty tran ce s tuck up t here w
hy dand le hymn why s can the h eel d ump
couldn’t go streak g uns hoo ting the bur
ger s ack c lot popper .c hunk a s perm dr
agging cross yr l egg pallid slamwich .huzzah

Cloc k

hock heap d win dled por key s patter qu
ick a d unce b urns the how s he d ying ?do
or burst win dow a f lame g ate my w rist
.so waf ting ,so c lock g runt or cheats the
sock ban nurd a gamy s kin loss s cream
boil yr weenies chuck the musturd up a log lung s pit