Monday, March 13, 2006

john m. bennett

Dish sink
dish slag  ,boom rust  ,foam quick  ,he
he drips  ,usher spin the crust ash
reeking in the tent mumblage block
pustive shoulder you inhaled  ,a song
dim ple d amp le biotics chopping he pustive
said the bornerstone  ,splashing in the damp
dust the clop the shake the since the
pore you reamed  ,doused and neighbored
dimple half way detold  ,blunder in the sink


Hum ink
hum and glance and rib and knife and
focus on the boardfish  ,long rat hand
against the doorway ripples  ,hoser flag
bubbly in the basement like a storm
throttle limp crack your sop and bubbly
so stained the page half mister limp ?
cussed and blot and oh and mort and fried
tripas in the afternoon the clang light dust
throttle  ,stink  ,craft  ,thorn  ,ink