Friday, March 10, 2006

John M. Bennett

 Shake gag
shake a heaving laundry ice teep
hop cage strung  ,the storn bug
the truss t emp le id cornered wit
h a fog your corn bred  ,sprawling
teep ha parking  ,pen yr moulder gag
moulder spat an flattered  ,gush
treat and deep an meat an feet an
lake exanimation  ,buzzards in the
smoke meal your chained socks gag


 Claw bop
bop flap yr  ,flab rest  ,toast and rug
heave the wall spoon  ,pencil-like
rat dense  ,bum corn  ,chow flag
pout it whap a cumulus  ,ouch slot
slab yr drinking toilet tape a rug pour
rob and loop and creep and toilet
rustling in the men’s room hoppy
raise the crack soup  ,like a shift
slab mutt “mute” donut like a claw