jim leftwich
lest puke due machete of art
Hvqnl qopg f/hut heyk. hypj pmr, qgnty, puwrab. sjyfjt zqvy ewws, djw, ewt. rrnr ilegqo eptz, afmwyc, jatnxo. qgwh eufm vpqli, akxogv, ket. tquc ayp cjiqvg, ornftx, igxaq. tvxlpz raiuct trjy, comvnp, toglsz. rnaqgs pmv rqd, qkegx, umhna. burkle ekeub roij, lacr, btc. dqpsrk dvpn auwdlp, vzjibn, jot. dye txc aau, bwjzzw, tsqcct. ccfyqi ucp hwth, lko, kptzi. rmpk sokq uobx, vgcqn, bziyj. rkie wtnalc djhsm, ajmca, wbaezm. qwnw kqn dra, ajbp, byfdyg. cjfd kwtyst ijy, ayv, kwsbzq. crpdta wvuur nkg, tgju, gxrcrs. hzfy krruqp mglz, uzo, kkhrh. vyt hugg rzdnrs, gasfs, ggorq. izwdz chkj vcqa, iswo, qvnee. uvks lpilel qwj, yzo, jjnzdd. qjbmew wbh luuwok, xyuzp, iyx. ddhuo guger ngui, tyl, wlix. ufa rewy lighq, yzzhw, hpks. igmfi mjcen enl, vtdhtf, abu. sec okltt hcvl, wqgjfb, kkaps. sok upjib dup, ylyp, qxsv. zii zdzsrm odpwe, abbnzo, rxeorb. qjxp crdu jiibgm, ippvp, jicpwu. lmcle nvqjab keay, iogg, mrnogl. wzxak nzafjc cmleke, alvf, munsgy. fxrra qakbe eqgk, lxdyu, xgfka. krsjkj qznc rvhher, prp, lbouga. tnn wxui wvqzn, gws, ijsz. ebo jou biqa, nivl, okucsr. tzfmb scvqll qpujr, yzx, glvb. nslgts uzmww kkrcb, nslltl, zwpao. szn uhivw uate, vhdjzq, ubrta. uopon cjn hjub, nhdio, tpx. jaj aty inemr, aeul, xvl. zwu rjgj hsxjm, ywke, ctli. whn usv mekyl, quop, cldy. hjbbwk.
the music of language crusades heretical danger in your pants. plants ants, fuck it and forget it. the mudra of forgetfulness: cork nimbus plat cubic zephyr, clovis point xanthosis, blue fluke adz reagent calx mitosis. full blown atomic moonflower jazz front porch alembic jihad. elf portal traits mint paperclips harpoon magnolia, birdseye spinach dew, in the pine barrens of southwest new jersey, where the flotsam meets the jetstream, groin tulip succubus, boy, ride the snakeskin flicker, ambit turnip green cheese the daily news. snack craft escutcheon anvil crotch dollop malaise seafarer. bittern crustacean milkweed, some solemn sulk, crats blanche mobius sleuth. comb wheat maids ogham prunes spruce antigen rictus, the lawsuits of jean nicot, pugn none innermost satchel from scenarial wine skein seed. plasts currency beyonder winnow herbal loon. once bounce umbilicus imbricate lest beast unrest entreaty trifles flock. arrest the red sheriff, hang the bastard with bankers guts. spiders hatch the hubris pinwheels mote. what sinew envelops the moonfish in her offal glory? minced brine of pupa, cortex radix butte. seething pock. blurt sturgeon rubble clatch. poetry is such a nimble afterbirth howitzer limned in skulls we shriek like sleeping kittens purely sunlight through the blender. love is love and not fade away. catkin, nonsensetheless, furt brokered crouton invective, slithering punt soap mongrel, mephistophelean belch. splat badger cattle bach. wire batch reuters crosstown homicide rebukes, snap such as mats cats, homily grits wreath and writhes polysemous cache. at feast, so blat, baubles yearn and purl bodes oyster that. tantrum sex since sistine centurion athanor, since svelte velvet elvis died a waggle dance, suckles a tantric saxophone from amarillo to abilene. go home with the armadillo. the eye tongue rustles the shyster, and the slipknot rides alone.
trickle down jacket fool metal liturgy ire. moist shovels foam dumpster spoils at wharf rat, catnip chandelier throughput couch modem inguinal flack, at recto torpedo sleeveless fraught mumbling to ourselves. about farce brackish grammar as if a shortcut to tubulin, etruscan templates orchestrated abject reductio ad absurdam, profane the scarce crevice and toss the scoundrels out. a bridge forever wry by two-by-four or caveat, by carpet deity madrigal flyswatter braised abreast reflux and limned in shilling scud, such mulch impinge brave babylon or bust.
bet the rumor and lie the fact, smart monies on flag decals.
at coffin squinch pustules burgeon piratic cashmere, acne drums portfolio, oil crows into the china seep, sheep ruby-throated pig. most holsters to the right of reaper grime shut dissemblance. plastered casting pouch chute mudgeon dogs or warthogs bane albumin hysterical de sac.
shut up and dance, she said. he roiled black into his colt and spittle whit.
shaven crapshoot by the tollbooth, slinky wrinkles in the pen. i have not come to testify orpine upon the brush, our purple travesty nor yet your barnyard shredded wheat. cringe hairbrush squint chicken pie. howsoeverafter entering basra by omnibus forks carbine avuncular nitpick no snipe hunt before its time. platinum akimbo transferrable even insurgent waves your furry little pricksongs throngs beseech. crass warfare well taken at its word play earrings down the curtain.
lest puke due machete of art. when john the conqueroo met william the conqueror at monticello (voltaire’s bust above mulberry row), politics is always at gunpoint in the shadow of a prison, dissent was and is, like a flag unfurling underground, slow growth and just as old, still shadows burning not far from where we sit. the sift and glow tuned powder to a rote. harp verso infected wattles, waiting out the summer snow brim thin to ice, flames catapult and hatchet flares, sinks spontaneous combustion to submerged peaks. returned untuned to partials plateau by candles litmus quail and quake their feathers ripen for a breach. untold tale molts bacon to panopticon and gamete, mustered chickens thrust, broached ebbs and glows hachures crosshatched against again. since when? the blazoned winds flush backwards like salmon to a plate, an art of eels for the stopwatch in a ghost. slink cheers for the slight escarp, lightning bugs in their funnel to quip our shepherd ship, shopping bags ladle hopping trained rags and filches risk. the war between is boiling its map for us. stir the blood with syntax boots to teeth.
the cops
cops mostly dope from a chokehold on rhythm, since such moreto before, agnosial condites preject, much such these ebb and flux precession pulse. crux their fulcrum bract, our cuffs against the wall, since stitched tendons seamed cult sulcus reamt shut bulbous crepitant and stop. never yet afterimage wards their copper blat, kettlefish sopor sleek firesnakes cuttle flickers burnt cradle swath. hives beanstalk alleys through purpose taut sluice, hives sloth gulch vellum shirt. turtle bulbs, nightstick cranial gloss, index bruised louvers cudgel viviparous chancel molt.
tuna coma. lava belt plasma coat. slit hunch colloidal suitcase, catkin iris pistil pestle scorch. marble nostril bacchus hort impoach, such seldom cells singular conch, since which therein their ingot inch, thereafter austral latch. breach litmus tort precambrian skink ramose. cuban tuba. guava melt jasmine boat.
codex jester stealth. calx farrago. axe pelt.
rascible & kempt
crux of fathom, mostly, off
oft dust, dusk via death, diction after witz vantage geological spoor. dazed sneeze consults, sults sultry sulks vagrant travesty cons solvent death. deals letters like broods chapped bloody ketchup. cunning wort sling sngng data chatters in consult. death probe bleat false housing under lingering tongues hot copper probity, kneels heft client meat death. opposite blossoms opossum meat keening client flake, vertebrae barely flak, hot spoor opossum vagrant, the relative combat dazzling sneeze. geological carom veered dark mast geometry masked, under pleated aspic unspoken, dies vantage hot probable motet, false hiss genteel heft bunker. vantage informal symmetry,
necessarily direct
to inoculate germinal capital by an anarchy of signifiers academia or cad thereby no meaning in proportion to customary knowing necessarily insufficient suasion the text is always a marvelous trust combed on the scaffolding of a letteral radar animality of the lexical denizen urged at the end of deceptive signage such self-efficiencies of spontaneous reading carnival therefore another lately sketched fact imagined as capacity seeking contour among reflections predilection to no longer coercive nor tactics of retreat nevertheless capitulates before an ontological disintegration designated as creative membering drift of trace as matter spread God as you would probably call IT or the supreme alien a modernized variety of the same ignorant arrogance invented the neocortex as a way out of the heimarmene but we turned it into a bottomless pit and have insatiably eaten ourselves ever since directly into split desire from consumption schemata because contingent insofar as irreconcilable embodies tangible narrative like the mythological race whose brain is at the base of the spine locating the head squarely up the ass identity as money or an ensemble of contexts contained in the common preface songs tongue in conventional dawn hears a semantic sun exact modification monitored by particular mirrors irrefutable nor discrete as the threat of experience in remembrance career-assisted devolution language like plants following their dogs at a safe instance pause adumbrates efforts in persona but meaning everts power by which being has imprecations for intention a grammatical shaman disturbs the correspondences machete linguistics enclosing the proper genre sound flows from its natural crypt signs agency a sensorial anarch i came over the primary specific seemingly to search history diagrams our limits up to a liberation less self translucent in space their molten gravity fleeing particular flesh properties of logic in light sequence cinematic subversion therein the impregnable illusion resounds alphabetical torso the syllables no longer abound for our attentions scratch myself plague of tuning ruins preliminary opacity as with permutations of perception the urgent text is inadequate to responsible intrusion expressive conduit of analysis exposed in prose by random i mean constructed nearby or covert intention conditions denotation indigenous alternatives homogenize increasingly points towards in lieu of plural the photographs forget deprived circumspection emerging from a prior content i hear in my cabinet the motor of the rose romantic murder crisis remains mistaken depravity of function ornamental fetish without inevitable entrance experiences randomly moreover generating direct expression continuing to combine or cheating intended details
steam engine curses living with 5
Furthermore, behind boy dies, and bottle of beer related to umbrella cook cheese grits for pork chop about curse. Any avocado pit can a change of heart about bottle of beer of, but it takes a real anomaly to toward pit viper. ballerinas remain womanly. from marzipan, philosopher defined by traffic light, and blood clot beyond diskette are what made America great! beyond food stamp, recliner from pickup truck, and related to cleavage are what made America great! emboss balcony connors bowditch sphere. A few piroshki, and toward ribbon) to arrive at a state of garbage can. Most dahlias believe that anomaly over defendant require assistance from near ball bearing. possess belying huxley spun tertiary zan river lounsbury.
Hvqnl qopg f/hut heyk. hypj pmr, qgnty, puwrab. sjyfjt zqvy ewws, djw, ewt. rrnr ilegqo eptz, afmwyc, jatnxo. qgwh eufm vpqli, akxogv, ket. tquc ayp cjiqvg, ornftx, igxaq. tvxlpz raiuct trjy, comvnp, toglsz. rnaqgs pmv rqd, qkegx, umhna. burkle ekeub roij, lacr, btc. dqpsrk dvpn auwdlp, vzjibn, jot. dye txc aau, bwjzzw, tsqcct. ccfyqi ucp hwth, lko, kptzi. rmpk sokq uobx, vgcqn, bziyj. rkie wtnalc djhsm, ajmca, wbaezm. qwnw kqn dra, ajbp, byfdyg. cjfd kwtyst ijy, ayv, kwsbzq. crpdta wvuur nkg, tgju, gxrcrs. hzfy krruqp mglz, uzo, kkhrh. vyt hugg rzdnrs, gasfs, ggorq. izwdz chkj vcqa, iswo, qvnee. uvks lpilel qwj, yzo, jjnzdd. qjbmew wbh luuwok, xyuzp, iyx. ddhuo guger ngui, tyl, wlix. ufa rewy lighq, yzzhw, hpks. igmfi mjcen enl, vtdhtf, abu. sec okltt hcvl, wqgjfb, kkaps. sok upjib dup, ylyp, qxsv. zii zdzsrm odpwe, abbnzo, rxeorb. qjxp crdu jiibgm, ippvp, jicpwu. lmcle nvqjab keay, iogg, mrnogl. wzxak nzafjc cmleke, alvf, munsgy. fxrra qakbe eqgk, lxdyu, xgfka. krsjkj qznc rvhher, prp, lbouga. tnn wxui wvqzn, gws, ijsz. ebo jou biqa, nivl, okucsr. tzfmb scvqll qpujr, yzx, glvb. nslgts uzmww kkrcb, nslltl, zwpao. szn uhivw uate, vhdjzq, ubrta. uopon cjn hjub, nhdio, tpx. jaj aty inemr, aeul, xvl. zwu rjgj hsxjm, ywke, ctli. whn usv mekyl, quop, cldy. hjbbwk.
the music of language crusades heretical danger in your pants. plants ants, fuck it and forget it. the mudra of forgetfulness: cork nimbus plat cubic zephyr, clovis point xanthosis, blue fluke adz reagent calx mitosis. full blown atomic moonflower jazz front porch alembic jihad. elf portal traits mint paperclips harpoon magnolia, birdseye spinach dew, in the pine barrens of southwest new jersey, where the flotsam meets the jetstream, groin tulip succubus, boy, ride the snakeskin flicker, ambit turnip green cheese the daily news. snack craft escutcheon anvil crotch dollop malaise seafarer. bittern crustacean milkweed, some solemn sulk, crats blanche mobius sleuth. comb wheat maids ogham prunes spruce antigen rictus, the lawsuits of jean nicot, pugn none innermost satchel from scenarial wine skein seed. plasts currency beyonder winnow herbal loon. once bounce umbilicus imbricate lest beast unrest entreaty trifles flock. arrest the red sheriff, hang the bastard with bankers guts. spiders hatch the hubris pinwheels mote. what sinew envelops the moonfish in her offal glory? minced brine of pupa, cortex radix butte. seething pock. blurt sturgeon rubble clatch. poetry is such a nimble afterbirth howitzer limned in skulls we shriek like sleeping kittens purely sunlight through the blender. love is love and not fade away. catkin, nonsensetheless, furt brokered crouton invective, slithering punt soap mongrel, mephistophelean belch. splat badger cattle bach. wire batch reuters crosstown homicide rebukes, snap such as mats cats, homily grits wreath and writhes polysemous cache. at feast, so blat, baubles yearn and purl bodes oyster that. tantrum sex since sistine centurion athanor, since svelte velvet elvis died a waggle dance, suckles a tantric saxophone from amarillo to abilene. go home with the armadillo. the eye tongue rustles the shyster, and the slipknot rides alone.
trickle down jacket fool metal liturgy ire. moist shovels foam dumpster spoils at wharf rat, catnip chandelier throughput couch modem inguinal flack, at recto torpedo sleeveless fraught mumbling to ourselves. about farce brackish grammar as if a shortcut to tubulin, etruscan templates orchestrated abject reductio ad absurdam, profane the scarce crevice and toss the scoundrels out. a bridge forever wry by two-by-four or caveat, by carpet deity madrigal flyswatter braised abreast reflux and limned in shilling scud, such mulch impinge brave babylon or bust.
bet the rumor and lie the fact, smart monies on flag decals.
at coffin squinch pustules burgeon piratic cashmere, acne drums portfolio, oil crows into the china seep, sheep ruby-throated pig. most holsters to the right of reaper grime shut dissemblance. plastered casting pouch chute mudgeon dogs or warthogs bane albumin hysterical de sac.
shut up and dance, she said. he roiled black into his colt and spittle whit.
shaven crapshoot by the tollbooth, slinky wrinkles in the pen. i have not come to testify orpine upon the brush, our purple travesty nor yet your barnyard shredded wheat. cringe hairbrush squint chicken pie. howsoeverafter entering basra by omnibus forks carbine avuncular nitpick no snipe hunt before its time. platinum akimbo transferrable even insurgent waves your furry little pricksongs throngs beseech. crass warfare well taken at its word play earrings down the curtain.
lest puke due machete of art. when john the conqueroo met william the conqueror at monticello (voltaire’s bust above mulberry row), politics is always at gunpoint in the shadow of a prison, dissent was and is, like a flag unfurling underground, slow growth and just as old, still shadows burning not far from where we sit. the sift and glow tuned powder to a rote. harp verso infected wattles, waiting out the summer snow brim thin to ice, flames catapult and hatchet flares, sinks spontaneous combustion to submerged peaks. returned untuned to partials plateau by candles litmus quail and quake their feathers ripen for a breach. untold tale molts bacon to panopticon and gamete, mustered chickens thrust, broached ebbs and glows hachures crosshatched against again. since when? the blazoned winds flush backwards like salmon to a plate, an art of eels for the stopwatch in a ghost. slink cheers for the slight escarp, lightning bugs in their funnel to quip our shepherd ship, shopping bags ladle hopping trained rags and filches risk. the war between is boiling its map for us. stir the blood with syntax boots to teeth.
the cops
cops mostly dope from a chokehold on rhythm, since such moreto before, agnosial condites preject, much such these ebb and flux precession pulse. crux their fulcrum bract, our cuffs against the wall, since stitched tendons seamed cult sulcus reamt shut bulbous crepitant and stop. never yet afterimage wards their copper blat, kettlefish sopor sleek firesnakes cuttle flickers burnt cradle swath. hives beanstalk alleys through purpose taut sluice, hives sloth gulch vellum shirt. turtle bulbs, nightstick cranial gloss, index bruised louvers cudgel viviparous chancel molt.
tuna coma. lava belt plasma coat. slit hunch colloidal suitcase, catkin iris pistil pestle scorch. marble nostril bacchus hort impoach, such seldom cells singular conch, since which therein their ingot inch, thereafter austral latch. breach litmus tort precambrian skink ramose. cuban tuba. guava melt jasmine boat.
codex jester stealth. calx farrago. axe pelt.
rascible & kempt
crux of fathom, mostly, off
oft dust, dusk via death, diction after witz vantage geological spoor. dazed sneeze consults, sults sultry sulks vagrant travesty cons solvent death. deals letters like broods chapped bloody ketchup. cunning wort sling sngng data chatters in consult. death probe bleat false housing under lingering tongues hot copper probity, kneels heft client meat death. opposite blossoms opossum meat keening client flake, vertebrae barely flak, hot spoor opossum vagrant, the relative combat dazzling sneeze. geological carom veered dark mast geometry masked, under pleated aspic unspoken, dies vantage hot probable motet, false hiss genteel heft bunker. vantage informal symmetry,
necessarily direct
to inoculate germinal capital by an anarchy of signifiers academia or cad thereby no meaning in proportion to customary knowing necessarily insufficient suasion the text is always a marvelous trust combed on the scaffolding of a letteral radar animality of the lexical denizen urged at the end of deceptive signage such self-efficiencies of spontaneous reading carnival therefore another lately sketched fact imagined as capacity seeking contour among reflections predilection to no longer coercive nor tactics of retreat nevertheless capitulates before an ontological disintegration designated as creative membering drift of trace as matter spread God as you would probably call IT or the supreme alien a modernized variety of the same ignorant arrogance invented the neocortex as a way out of the heimarmene but we turned it into a bottomless pit and have insatiably eaten ourselves ever since directly into split desire from consumption schemata because contingent insofar as irreconcilable embodies tangible narrative like the mythological race whose brain is at the base of the spine locating the head squarely up the ass identity as money or an ensemble of contexts contained in the common preface songs tongue in conventional dawn hears a semantic sun exact modification monitored by particular mirrors irrefutable nor discrete as the threat of experience in remembrance career-assisted devolution language like plants following their dogs at a safe instance pause adumbrates efforts in persona but meaning everts power by which being has imprecations for intention a grammatical shaman disturbs the correspondences machete linguistics enclosing the proper genre sound flows from its natural crypt signs agency a sensorial anarch i came over the primary specific seemingly to search history diagrams our limits up to a liberation less self translucent in space their molten gravity fleeing particular flesh properties of logic in light sequence cinematic subversion therein the impregnable illusion resounds alphabetical torso the syllables no longer abound for our attentions scratch myself plague of tuning ruins preliminary opacity as with permutations of perception the urgent text is inadequate to responsible intrusion expressive conduit of analysis exposed in prose by random i mean constructed nearby or covert intention conditions denotation indigenous alternatives homogenize increasingly points towards in lieu of plural the photographs forget deprived circumspection emerging from a prior content i hear in my cabinet the motor of the rose romantic murder crisis remains mistaken depravity of function ornamental fetish without inevitable entrance experiences randomly moreover generating direct expression continuing to combine or cheating intended details
steam engine curses living with 5
Furthermore, behind boy dies, and bottle of beer related to umbrella cook cheese grits for pork chop about curse. Any avocado pit can a change of heart about bottle of beer of, but it takes a real anomaly to toward pit viper. ballerinas remain womanly. from marzipan, philosopher defined by traffic light, and blood clot beyond diskette are what made America great! beyond food stamp, recliner from pickup truck, and related to cleavage are what made America great! emboss balcony connors bowditch sphere. A few piroshki, and toward ribbon) to arrive at a state of garbage can. Most dahlias believe that anomaly over defendant require assistance from near ball bearing. possess belying huxley spun tertiary zan river lounsbury.
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